What should I say when asking for a recommendation?

What should I say when asking for a recommendation?

In your request, you should include the following context for them to feel comfortable and prepared when writing your recommendation:

  1. An up-to-date resume.
  2. Your current role or what you’re doing now.
  3. What the recommendation is for.
  4. Why you’re qualified.
  5. Relevant work habits, academic successes or skills.

How do I ask a friend for a recommendation?

How to Ask a Friend for a Reference

  1. Ask for permission. The first thing you need to do is ask if this person would be comfortable being a reference.
  2. Discuss the position. Give your reference background information on the position being applied for.
  3. Review the timeline.
  4. Give options.
  5. Say thanks.

How do you ask for a letter of recommendation via email?


  1. Keep It Short.
  2. Remind Them Who You Are.
  3. Make Your Request Assertive And Specific.
  4. Don’t Assume Your Request Will Be Accepted.
  5. Use A Professional Subject Line.
  6. Use A Proper Salutation.
  7. Introduce Yourself And Refresh The Professor’s Mind.

How many letters of recommendation should I have?

How Many Letters of Recommendation Do I Need? Colleges often ask for between 2 and 3 letters of recommendation, but each institution has different requirements, so be sure to check! On the flipside, some colleges ask you to not send them — if that’s the case, don’t send them.

How do you follow up a letter of recommendation after no response?

Email the professor with the request. Make it clear and self contained. After about a week with no reply, send a followup email politely checking back with them.

Can you ask a friend for a reference?

A good way to ask someone to be a reference is either by calling them or sending an email. Ask if they think they know you and/or your work well enough to speak about it, and if they feel comfortable doing so. Or, you could ask them if they feel comfortable giving a positive reference.

Can my friend be a reference?

If your friend is currently or formerly your manager, direct report, or colleague, they may be able to provide you with a professional reference. These references are about character, work ethic, reliability, etc. — all the personal qualities that make someone a great employee, tenant, board member, etc.

Is it OK to ask for a letter of recommendation by email?

Academic advisors, supervisors, professors and colleagues—both present and past—are all appropriate people you can email to ask for a letter of recommendation. The person you approach should be someone who knows you well and has a positive perception of your work.

Can I reuse recommendation letters?

Can I Use Letters of Recommendation Multiple Times? Definitely! You may need the person sending the letter of rec to submit it separately each time. The easiest way to reuse letters of rec is usually on an application platform, where the letters are often automatically used as many times as you apply to colleges.

How many letters of recommendation are too many?

The wording clearly means that more than three letters is acceptable. In fact, one might conclude that three letters is the bare minimum and a “good” application should have more. I would normally consider five letters to be a lot (though not harmful, as discussed above).

How do you politely follow up?

Tip: Be brief. Be polite by asking if they’ve looked it over rather than accuse or point out that you haven’t received it yet. Add value by giving them context for the urgency if needed or urgency about the next steps. Finish with a call to action so they know what you want them to do and why it’s important.

How do you politely ask for a response?

  1. An early reply would be appreciated.
  2. I look forward to your reply.
  3. I look forward to hearing from you.
  4. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.
  5. Your earliest attention would be appreciated.

When should I ask for a letter of recommendation?

Unless your school or teachers set other policies, you should ask for recommendation letters about four weeks before your college deadlines. If your deadlines vary, then ask four weeks before your earliest one.

When is it appropriate to ask for letters of recommendation?

When you are completing undergraduate or graduate studies , or have earned your degree recently, you will likely want to ask a professor or an academic advisor for a recommendation letter as you begin to apply for jobs.

How to thank someone for a recommendation?

Thank your reader for the referral or recommendation and for expressing confidence in you or your organization. Inform your reader of the outcome, or desired outcome, of the referral or recommendation. Express your appreciation for the reader’s time and effort in making the recommendation or referral. Close with an expression of good will.

How do you ask someone to write a letter of recommendation?

Here are some tips when asking for a recommendation letter: Don’t wait until the last minute. Ask in person. Be sure that you have all of the necessary information that the writer needs. Give the writer a postmarked envelope. Waive your right to read the letter. Send a thank-you note.