What task can a delegated administrator perform?

What task can a delegated administrator perform?

Delegated administrators can: Create and edit users in specified roles and all subordinate roles. User editing tasks include resetting passwords, setting quotas, creating default opportunity teams, and creating personal groups for those users. Unlock users.

What is Delegation in administration?

Delegation means to entrust one’s own power and responsibility to another person or group of persons who are lower in rank and power. In public administration a chief executive transfers his power or part of it to an employee who is in rank lower to him. The purpose of delegation is to ensure better management.

How to enable import custom objects for non admin users?

If we assign a Permission Set including Modify All temporarily (via approval with expiration) would this allown “non admin” users to import to custom objects, as long as they have the other permissions here: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=faq_import_general_permissions.htm&type=0 ?

How to delegate administration by using ou objects?

To delegate administration by using an OU, place the individual or group to which you are delegating administrative rights into a group, place the set of objects to be controlled into an OU, and then delegate administrative tasks for the OU to that group.

What does it mean to be a delegated administrator?

Delegated Administration Administrators — An administrator represents an individual person or a group of people identified by their Active Directory account. Each administrator is associated with one or more role and scope pairs. Roles — A role represents a job function, and has defined permissions associated with it.

Can a forest owner delegate control to an OU?

Delegate control over these OUs to the appropriate data administrators. This makes it possible to delegate control over objects in the directory without changing the default control given to the service administrators. The forest owner determines the level of authority that is delegated to an OU owner.