What to do if Grub does not detect Windows?

What to do if Grub does not detect Windows?

There is a Windows tool: mbr2gpt which can convert your MBR to GPT. After doing so (and booting via UEFI) os-prober and finally update-grub was able to find my Windows installation and added it to the boot options of grub. Follow these steps if os-prober shows Windows, but GRUB does not. # Disable os-prober by default due to security reasons.

Why does Grub boot Linux but not win 10?

After the installation GRUB only offered to boot Linux but not Windows. I found the video solution for windows 10 missing from grub menu and the forum thread Grub not recognizing Win10 after Update/Repair, but unfortunately neither worked for me so I used a combination of these two to resolve my problem.

Why is Grub-mkconfig not finding my partition?

For some reason, grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg is not finding my windows partition. I have my UEFI partition mounted to /boot. I have installed grub with grub-install –target=x86_64-efi –efi-directory=/boot. I can see /boot/EFI/gentoo along with the windows directory. Any ideas how to make grub-mkconfig see my windows 10 partition?

Can you use GRUB for UEFI legacy boot?

For UEFI boot you should have the EFI System Partition mounted, for legacy boot you should have the System Reserved partition mounted (well, for a “proper” BIOS Windows installation, that’s where the bootmgr/NTLDR lies). Also you cannot do “cross-platform” boot with grub.

Where to find GPT in Ubuntu dual boot?

Ensure that in BIOS / Boot order there is your HDD with ubuntu (eg. uefi: ubuntu) and your HDD with Windows Boot Manager (eg. uefi: Windows Boot Manager) to be found. If WBM is missing ensure that windows boot disk has GPT. You can check this in Windows using Disk Management (Win + X, then Disk Management).

Is the NTFS signature for GRUB2 missing?

NTFS signature is missing. This is defintely wrong. In fact when I look at my script that I have in /etc/grub.d/15_windows, I have Don’t forget to chmod +x the /etc/grub.d script file. CentOS 6 died in November 2020 – migrate to a new version! CentOS 5 is dead, do not use it. Full time Geek, part time moderator. Use the FAQ Luke Thanks for that.

Why is ntldr.mod not installed in Grub?

When I install GRUB using grub-install it won’t add ntldr.mod to the GRUB modules folder and can’t insmod it. Why? When I only download GRUB package without installation (apt-get download…), the module can be found there.

Where does the boot folder go in Grub?

If you didn’t specify a –boot-directory some_path (not –efi-directory) option, it would be under /boot, otherwise it would be under some_path. But where exactly /boot or some_path refers to can vary.