What to do when custom post type does not work?

What to do when custom post type does not work?

Whenever you’re working with Custom Post Types and your query is not returning anything, but you feel you did everything correct… go and reset the permalinks by visiting Settings >> Permalinks. Select Default press Save Changes, then switch it back to Post Name and press Save Changes again.

How many posts per page on custom post type?

The forums ran from 2008-2020 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive. This topic is empty. I have an odd (hopefully simple) problem. I’d really like to change the number of posts per page on one of my custom post type’s archive pages. Thinking it should be super easy, I did a quick custom post type:

How to apply CSS only on home page?

Visit your site home page. In my case: https://crunchify.com Check for tag and find home page CSS identifier. If you go to page or single post you will see different CSS class. Check those out in below screenshots. Once you identify correct CSS class just put your required CSS in your theme’s style.css file.

Why is my custom CSS not working in WordPress?

Let’s say you have a child theme and you have a plugin that has its own stylesheet. For this example, let’s call it “Reaction Buttons”. If you were to activate that plugin and then try to override the styles in your child theme, you’ll notice that it simply doesn’t work.

How to add tags to custom post type?

Forget about a well structured / easy to use CMS – the Tags listing on the custom post types page will show all Tags (not just the tags used in the custom post type articles) with the wrong count

Why does WordPress only display the post type?

It will only display posts of the post post type, because the built-in tag template is rendered with a query what only targets the post post type. To fix this you need to alter the query with the pre_get_posts hook.

How to change post name in WP ARCHIVE?

Select Default press Save Changes, then switch it back to Post Name and press Save Changes again. In addition, you can modify your main query and just have your archive template return the results, no need for new WP_Query object.

What does the post ID look like in WordPress?

The only two permalink structures that do include WordPress post IDs are the Plain and Numeric options. Here are two quick examples of what those URL structures look like: In both cases, the post ID is 1.