When to use Extended Globbing characters in zsh?

When to use Extended Globbing characters in zsh?

If you do decide to use extended globbing, be aware of special characters in file names and the need to quote them. For instance, if you want to copy files from a remote site using scp, you don’t want zsh to expand any wildcards locally; you want that wildcard passed to scp for files on the remote end to match, so instead of:

How to glob wildcard characters in the Z shell?

Vincent Danen explains globbing with wildcard characters, and how using globbing in the z shell (zsh) yields powerful results. Globbing is a way of expanding wildcard characters in a non-specific file name into a set of specific file names. Shells use globbing all the time. For instance: When you enter the above, you’re using a glob: foo*.

When do you use globbing in a shell?

Shells use globbing all the time. For instance: When you enter the above, you’re using a glob: foo*. What the shell is doing, however, is interpreting that wildcard character (*) and then passing the actual files to list to the ls command; so in this instance, the command that is actually being used is ls foo1 foo2.

What happens if there are no matches in zsh?

If there are no matches, zsh will return an error; if there is nothing to pass to the ls program (or any other program), the program will not even be called by zsh. There are other useful patterns, such as the (**/) pattern.

How to get zsh to match all directories?

What this does is tell zsh to match any number of directories to any depth, including the current directory. To find all the (*.sh) and (*.py) files in the current directory and sub-directories in a list suitable for parsing (i.e., perhaps in a script), you would use:

When to not expand wildcard characters in zsh?

For instance, if you want to copy files from a remote site using scp, you don’t want zsh to expand any wildcards locally; you want that wildcard passed to scp for files on the remote end to match, so instead of: $ scp hades:~/tmp/* .

How to get zsh to ignore Glob if nomatch?

I want to either disable zsh globbing entirely, or get zsh to pass through the globbing character if it fails to match. Or possibly set zsh globbing to behave like bash. I want to get around typing quotes all the time. Would cause globs to never be expanded on a line that starts with docker and would run docker under sudo.

How to set zsh to not complain when it fails to match?

I thought I could set zsh to not complain when it fails to match, but it seems zsh will remove the asterisk anyway. I want to either disable zsh globbing entirely, or get zsh to pass through the globbing character if it fails to match. Or possibly set zsh globbing to behave like bash. I want to get around typing quotes all the time.

How to exclude one pattern match from Glob match?

If you want to avoid deleting any file matching foo.* and ending in .org (e.g. foo.org or foo.beef.org etc.), then consider using a second pattern match like so: Another way to accomplish. Suppose that you have some file foo.sh that you want exclude from your operation, yet you want to add csv to every other file.

How to tell if Bash and zsh are compatible?

There are two things that break compatibility: Bash’s arrays start at 0, and Zsh’s start at 1. If the file sort. TXT exists in the lower directory, then ls */sort.txt Both shells work, but if they don’t exist, Zsh will report zsh :no matches found: */sort.txt 。