When to use semicolons, colons, and dashes?

When to use semicolons, colons, and dashes?

This handout explains the most common uses of three kinds of punctuation: semicolons (;), colons (:), and dashes (—). After reading the handout, you will be better able to decide when to use these forms of punctuation in your own writing.

Can a colon be used as a path separator?

Unfortunately, the Mac’s HFS+ file system uses the COLON as a path separator just as Unix-like OSes use SOLIDUS / (slash) and Microsoft OSes use REVERSE SOLIDUS \\ (backslash). All three characters must be avoided when naming a file or folder for compatibility.

How to avoid using a colon in ISO 8601?

You can avoid using the colon by employing ISO 8601 “basic” format strings ( YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ) for naming files and folders. The standard allows for the separators to be omitted from the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.

Can a colon be used as a separator on a Mac?

Closed 7 months ago. It is often convenient to name files and folders with a date and time, such as standard ISO 8601 format: 2014-12-10T22:35:28.460Z. Unfortunately, the Mac’s HFS+ file system uses the COLON as a path separator just as Unix-like OSes use SOLIDUS / (slash) and Microsoft OSes use REVERSE SOLIDUS \\ (backslash).

How to replace all spaces by underscores in all file names?

Create a batch file ( *.bat) with the above contents. Place that batch file in the folder with all the .exe’s and it will replace the spaces with underscores when you run it. forfiles /m *.exe /C “cmd /e:on /v:on /c set \\”Phile=@file\\” & if @ISDIR==FALSE ren @file !Phile: =_!”

Why do you use dashes instead of parentheses?

To set off material for emphasis. Think of dashes as the opposite of parentheses. Where parentheses indicate that the reader should put less emphasis on the enclosed material, dashes indicate that the reader should pay more attention to the material between the dashes. Dashes add drama—parentheses whisper.

How are colons used to separate units of time?

Colons are used to separate units of time (4:45:00 expresses four hours, forty-five minutes, and zero seconds); ratios (2:1), and Bible verses and chapters (Matthew 2:24). In bibliography entries. Many citation styles use a colon to separate information in bibliography entries. Example: Kurlansky, M. (2002).

How to remove whitespace from a file in Unix?

Finally, instead of < input.txt > output.txt you can use the -i option which means to edit the file “in place”. Meaning, you don’t need to create a second file to contain your result. If you use this option you will lose your original file.

How to remove trailing and leading whitespace in Java String?

Remove whitespace in Java string. How can we eradicate leading and trailing space characters from a string in MySQL? How can I remove the leading and trailing spaces both at once from a string by using MySQL LTRIM () and RTRIM () functions? How to remove all trailing and leading whitespace in a string in Python?

What does the G after the slash mean in Unix?

The data between the first two /’s are the pattern to match, and the data between the second and third / is the data to replace it with. In this case you’re replacing it with nothing. The “g” after the final slash means to do it “globally”, ie: over the entire file rather than on only the first match it finds.