Where can I find the Lightning component tab?

Where can I find the Lightning component tab?

You can’t access the Lightning Component tab outside of Salesforce1. For example, you can’t access the Lightning Component tab from the full Salesforce site. Once you create lightning Component tab go to salesforce1 navigation menu and add your component to selected list.

Can you create lightning tabs in auradefinitionbundles?

You can only create lightning tabs for AuraDefinitionBundles containing a component that implements force:appHostable and has no required attributes without a default value. (Related field: Content)

Why is the Lightning tab not showing in Salesforce?

(Related field: Content) Observation – When i remove the attribute from parent component and child component than its working and i am able to save the tab. Something is not correct with my component initiation.

How does contextual tab work in Autodesk Knowledge Network?

Displays the contextual tab for a selected element, providing immediate access to relevant tools. When this option is turned off, the contextual tab opens but does not come into focus; instead, the current tab remains in focus. Click the contextual tab to access it. Post a question.

How to add a lightning component in Salesforce?

Once you create lightning Component tab go to salesforce1 navigation menu and add your component to selected list. go to –> Administer | Mobile Administration | Manage the mobile navigation menu | Navigation Menu Items and then add available components to selected.

What do custom object tabs do in Salesforce?

Custom Object Tabs look and behave like the standard tabs provided with Salesforce. Web Tabs allow you to embed external web applications and content within the Salesforce window. Visualforce Tabs allow you to embed Visualforce Pages. Lightning Component tabs allow you to add Lightning Components to the navigation menu in Salesforce1.