Where does insufficient access on cross reference entity come from?

Where does insufficient access on cross reference entity come from?

The error is basically coming due to sharing the inserted record back with the owner of the record who has full permissions on it. If you see while creating the record, the logged in user is the owner as well as Branch Manager of the record. Then in the trigger its again shared back with the Branch Manager who is the owner of the record.

When do I get an insufficient access error?

You can also get this error if you assign an ID value of a different object type. For example, if you try to assign a contact ID value to an account lookup field.

Can a logged in user restrict access to a record?

If you see while creating the record, the logged in user is the owner as well as Branch Manager of the record. Then in the trigger its again shared back with the Branch Manager who is the owner of the record. Basically, you cannot restrict the access to the owner of a record.

Why do I keep getting invalid cross reference ID?

17 are errors and have the error message, “invalid cross reference id”. Every field has the same data type and is in the same CSV file. I have asked customer support about this a week ago and they have still not given me an explanation. Can anybody explain why I am getting this error? Nevermind, I finally figured it out.

Can a field be updated that cannot be set explicitly?

You try to update an object field that cannot be set explicitly. These fields can only be updated by the implicitly. e.g.: object owner, CreatedById, CreatedDate, LastActivityDate, LastModifiedById, LastModifiedDate. You cannot explicitly update these fields.

What does throw mean on cross reference ID?

The error is throw when you try to insert/update something that logically cannot be inserted/updated. You try to update a record that does not exist. Maybe the record was never there or it was deleted.

What are access rights on cross reference ID?

“Users with this license have read and create access on ideas and questions and answers, and read-only access to documents, knowledge, price books, and products” – plus you can access custom objects.

When do I not have access to record X?

You are trying to give permission to someone but you yourself do not have permission for this. If you are trying to share “Record X” with “User Y” and you yourself do not have access to “Record x”, this error happens Or if the “User Y” already has access to it.

How to update multiple records with apex using Execute anonymous?

In this example, oppIds is used as a filter simply because you gave a record Id in the question but you can modify your query filter to match your needs. In the live code , this can also be a loop where lstOpp is formed with all opportunities added. Update lstOpp happens outside the loop to ensure we have a single DML.