Which collection stores key-value pairs?

Which collection stores key-value pairs?

HashMap is a Map based collection class that is used for storing Key & value pairs, it is denoted as HashMap or HashMap.

Is Redis a key-value store?

Redis is not a plain key-value store, it is actually a data structures server, supporting different kinds of values.

Why are key-value stores so powerful?

The major advantages of key-value stores are scalability, speed, and flexibility. Key-value stores handle size well and are good at processing a constant stream of read/write operations. This property makes it highly scalable. Key-value stores scale out by implementing partitions, replication, and auto-recovery.

Is NoSQL a key-value store?

NoSQL database can be classified as Key Value Cache, Key Value Store, Key Value Store Eventually Consistent, Key Value Store Ordered, Data Structures server, Tuple Store, Object Database, Document Store, and Wide Columnar Store.

Is Redis a key value database?

Redis is an in-memory non-relational key-value store (sometimes referred to as a data structure server). This means that it stores data based on keys and values — think of it as a giant dictionary that uses words and their definitions to store information.

Does Redis allow duplicate keys?

You can use the DUMP and RESTORE commands to duplicate the key: use the DUMP command to serialize the value of a key. use the RESTORE command to restore the serialized value to another key.

What’s the best way to store key value pairs?

If you need to query against those individual values then you should use its SQL capabilities or tag/group your keys since NCache is more than just a simple .net key value store. Read here Highly active question. Earn 10 reputation (not counting the association bonus) in order to answer this question.

How are key value pairs stored in HashMap?

HashMap allows you to store key value pairs as a collection. HashMap does not allow duplicate keys. You can use different collection to be stored as a value in your HashMap. For example to create a map with keys as a String and value as a list, the define it like this:

When do you need a key value thingy?

You aren’t saying much besides “I need a key-value thingy”. If you need to iterate the map by insertion order, there is a LinkedHashMap. If you need to iterate the map by ascending or descending key values, there are sorted maps. If the map will be shared by multiple threads a concurrent map will be useful.

What should I pass to my stored Proc?

Then calling your stored proc you can simply pass something like InstanceID, RowID, and a table of your custom type containing x number of name-value pairs. This makes the interface for your calls consistent regardless of what is actually getting passed. Something else to potentially look at may be creating static objects in a class to cache that.