Which folders should I backup Ubuntu?

Which folders should I backup Ubuntu?

Under most circumstances you want to backup these:

  • /home/ for user data and configuration.
  • /etc/ for system wide configuration files.
  • /var/ contains a mix of directories you usually want to backup and those you don’t want to backup. See below for a more detailed explanation.

How do I backup a folder in Ubuntu?

Step 1) Go to “Activities,” look for “Backup,” and launch “Backups” tool. Step 2) The “Overview” tab shows the current status of the tool. By default, there will be no backups scheduled, nor you will see any backups taken before. Step 3) Click “Folders to save” to add the files and folders that you want to take backup.

How do I do a full system backup in Ubuntu?


  1. Create an 8GB partition on a drive and install Ubuntu (minimal install) – call it utilities. Install gparted.
  2. Within this system .. Run Disks, pick production system partition, and choose Create partition image. Save the image to ddMMMYYYY.img on any partition on the computer.

How do I move files to my home directory in Ubuntu?

File & Directory Commands

  1. To navigate into the root directory, use “cd /”
  2. To navigate to your home directory, use “cd” or “cd ~”
  3. To navigate up one directory level, use “cd ..”
  4. To navigate to the previous directory (or back), use “cd -“

Is it safe to reinstall Ubuntu on home partition?

The reinstalling part is why I recommend using separate partitions for root and home. With that, you can keep your data in home partition safe even if you reinstall Linux. I have already demonstrated it in this video: Once you have chosen the reinstall Ubuntu option, the rest of the process is just clicking next.

How to reinstall Ubuntu [ step by step guide ]?

How to Reinstall Ubuntu 1 Create a live USBFirst, download Ubuntu from its website. You can download whichever Ubuntu version you want to… 2 Reinstall Ubuntu See More….

Where are the configuration files stored in Ubuntu?

If you want to back up the configuration files and settings, those are stored in folders and files in your home directory that start with a . (dot). Make a list of packages that you use (and PPAs) and it will be easy to reinstall all your packages should you need.

Why do I need to backup / bin in Ubuntu?

Answer: nothing. You haven’t changed anything yet, so you can simply reinstall Ubuntu. It restores /bin, /etc, /root, /usr, etc. So the only reason you might want to backup /bin is because you have changed it or added to it.