Which is the best way to test Drupal?

Which is the best way to test Drupal?

Testing can be done in different layers in order to confirm the quality and reaction of code on edge cases: It is also possible to use an external framework like Behat with scenarios in Gherkin syntax. Execute and write tests using Drupal’s implementation of PHPUnit.

What kind of Ajax framework does Drupal use?

Views uses the Drupal Ajax framework. This by default uses POST. While a lot of Ajax inside of Drupal requires POST (think the Views UI, for example), a view itself doesn’t. If you disable Ajax on a View, it will use GET anyway.

Which is better get or post in Drupal?

Because GET is much better for caching. Typically, CDN’s or reverse-proxies like Varnish will not store POST requests. Views uses the Drupal Ajax framework. This by default uses POST. While a lot of Ajax inside of Drupal requires POST (think the Views UI, for example), a view itself doesn’t.

Which is the best version of PHPUnit for Drupal?

On PHP 7.2 we use PHPUnit 6.5. It is discouraged to use PHP versions which are out-of-life on production ( documentation about supported PHP versions ). This tutorial will take you through the basics of PHPUnit Browser testing in Drupal 8. Learn about PHPUnit Javascript testing in Drupal 8.

Which is the best PHPUnit for automated testing?

It’s recommended to write new tests using the PHPUnit base classes UnitTestCase, KernelTestBase, BrowserTestBase (web tests) or WebDriverTestBase (javascript enabled web tests using WebDriver). We use multiple versions of PHPUnit in the DrupalCI on drupal.org. E.g. on PHP 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1 we use PHPUnit 4.8.

How to optimize MySQL for Drupal hosting?

Here are some basic, but high impact ways to optimize MySQL for Drupal (there are much more sophisticated and expensive ways to speed up your database of course): Note that if you are on a shared hosting plan then only your host will be able to tune MySQL since you won’t have access to the my.cnf file.

How to improve the performance of MySQL server?

3. Save your my.cnf file and restart mySQL. This can be done via your control panel or the command line (on some unixes: service mysqld restart otherwise /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld restart or /etc/init.d/mysqld restart) Your new settings are now active and you can run the script from above again and see the difference in your results.

Which is the best MySQL engine for site performance?

MySQL supports many different engine types including Archive (MySQL 5+), MyISAM, and InnoDB. Performance sites should use InnoDB for most tables particularly tables such as node that get a lot of writes and reads.