Which is the default font for libdgx asset class?

Which is the default font for libdgx asset class?

Default font provided by Libdgx is arial-15.fnt The font can be assigned to BitmapFont setting the font up as part of the Asset class The size of each of the fonts is set using the font.getData ().getScale (float).

How to draw smooth text in libGDX?

Set the size of font to 150; it will create a .fnt file and a .png file. Copy both files into your assets folder. In general you don’t get sharp text because you are designing your game for a certain resolution and when you move to a different device, Libgdx scales everything to match the new resolution.

Which is the best GDX extension for generating fonts?

Gdx FreeType: Extension that allow you to generate your BitmapFont on the fly. This is the most flexible to programatically. It gives you plenty of parameters to manipulate your font size, color, shadow… It would be your preferred approach for handling fonts but Carefull! You cannot use this if you target HTML.

Where can I get a label for libGDX?

Skin: Equivalent on LibGDX to a CSS on HTML. Create your Label using style defined within your Skin. Download an existing Skin from sites such as czyzby’s gdx-skins repository or create your own using one on of the tool available on that site. For this tutorial it is assumed you have been through the Image basic tutorial.

What do you call a screen in libGDX?

Let’s get started with an introduction to a few more advanced classes in libGDX. Screens are fundamental to any game with multiple components. Screens contain many of the methods you are used to from ApplicationListener objects, and include a couple of new methods: show and hide, which are called when the Screen gains or loses focus, respectively.

How to extend a simple game in libGDX?

In this tutorial we will be extending the simple game “Drop”, made in the previous tutorial. We will be adding a menu screen and a couple of features to make this game a little more fully featured. Let’s get started with an introduction to a few more advanced classes in libGDX. Screens are fundamental to any game with multiple components.

Where can I find fonts for my game?

Two good places to find free fonts are Font Squirrel and The League of Moveable Type. If you’re building a web game, Google has provided free fonts here: https://www.google.com/fonts This is a great service for web developers, because web licenses for fonts can be a gray area.