Which is the most efficient collision algorithm for AABB?
The diagram in the text makes this clear: bool AABB::intersects ( const Ray& ray ) { // EZ cases: if the ray starts inside the box, or ends inside // the box, then it definitely hits the box. // I’m using this code for ray tracing with an octree, // so I needed rays that start and end within an // octree node to COUNT as hits.
Which is the fastest way to perform Ray / AABB intersections?
This means that a ray-tracer spends a lot of its time calculating ray/AABB intersections, and therefore this code ought to be highly optimised. The fastest method for performing ray/AABB intersections is the slab method . The idea is to treat the box as the space inside of three pairs of parallel planes.
When to use ray axis aligned bounding box ( AABB )?
Introduction Ray-Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB) intersection tests are commonly used in ray tracing acceleration schemes, such as bounding volume hierarchies [Goldsmith and Salmon 87]. It is important that these tests be as fast as possible, since millions of them may be needed to generate an image.
Who is the inventor of the ray box intersection algorithm?
Andrew Woo, who along with John Amanatides developed the raymarching algorithm (DDA) used ubiquitously in raytracers, wrote “Fast Ray-Box Intersection” (alternative source here) which was published in Graphics Gems, 1990, pp. 395-396.
Why does the code give intersection when the box is in front of the Ray?
Firstly, when the box is located in front of the ray, why the code give intersection even though the end point of the ray doesn’t intersect with the box. A similar observation can be seen from the second case when the ray origin is located inside the box. Is this nature of the algorithm?
How to check if a ray hits a plane?
Accept the plane that gets the largest t value as being the plane that got hit, and check that the hit is within the box. The diagram in the text makes this clear: bool AABB::intersects ( const Ray& ray ) { // EZ cases: if the ray starts inside the box, or ends inside // the box, then it definitely hits the box.