Which of the following is an error function used within catch block?

Which of the following is an error function used within catch block?

Which of the following is an Error function used within CATCH block? Explanation: ERROR_STATE() returns the state number of the error.

Why do we use finally block Sanfoundry?

Explanation: finally block is always executed after tryblock, no matter exception is found or not. catch block is executed only when exception is found. Here divide by zero exception is found hence both catch and finally are executed.

Which are the two blocks that are used to check error and handle error?

Explanation: Two blocks that are used to check for errors and to handle the errors are try and catch block. The code which might produce some exceptions is placed inside the try block and then the catch block is written to catch the error that is produced.

Who is active blocking?

The “message blocking is active” error you see on Android devices and iPhones would mean you have blocked the other person. One of the first things to note when you receive this error message is that the receiver either has you on their block list or you have them on your block list.

Can a catch block be used to roll back a transaction?

The catch block is not limited to just rolling back the transaction, it can log to error tables (after the rollback, so that the logging is not rolled back), it can take compensating actions, and it’s not even required to roll the transaction back (in most cases).

When to roll back a transaction in Java?

The default behaviour is to roll back only the statement that generated the error. Not the entire transaction. A transaction will be rolled back if the connection closes (network error, client disconnect, high-severity error) and the commit was not reached.

Can a catch block catch a fatal error?

The catch block can’t catch fatal errors, so the transaction remains open. To avoid similar situations and implement our logic without problems we can set XACT_ABORT ON in our procedure.

Why does the SQL Server transaction remain open?

The reason why the transaction remains open is that ##tmpStagingTest2 table is missing and it causes the fatal error. The catch block can’t catch fatal errors, so the transaction remains open. To avoid similar situations and implement our logic without problems we can set XACT_ABORT ON in our procedure.