Which shell is specified for a user?

Which shell is specified for a user?

Bash (/bin/bash) is a popular shell on most if not all Linux systems, and it’s normally the default shell for user accounts.

How do I find my motd?

You can see the motd message in either /var/run/motd. dynamic and /run/motd. dynamic that was generated the last time a user has logged in non-hushed mode.

What is the user’s shell set as command?

The chsh command changes a user’s login shell attribute. The shell attribute defines the initial program that runs after a user logs in to the system. This attribute is specified in the /etc/passwd file. By default, the chsh command changes the login shell for the user who gives the command.

How to find out the default shell of a user?

The environment variable, SHELL would always expands to the default login shell of the invoking user (gets the value from /etc/passwd ). For any other given user, you need to do some processing with /etc/passwd, here is a simple awk snippet:

How can I Make My Shell my login shell?

Use a shell wrapper script or program to login user commands before they are sent to a shell for execution. Here, you specify the shell wrapper as a user’s login shell. To meet a user’s demands (wants to use a specific shell), especially those with administrative rights.

Is there a way to change the default shell in Linux?

A user can change their own shell to any thing: which, however must be listed in the /etc/shells file. Only root can run a shell not listed in /etc/shells file. If an account has a restricted login shell, then only root can change that user’s shell. Now let’s discuss three different ways to change Linux user shell.

What’s the default value in the shell script?

In the first echo line, we used a jedi variable that had not been previously set; it was empty. Since it was empty, the shell used the default value of ‘Obiwan Kenobi’ and that was the output of that first echo. Then, we set the variable jedi to the value ‘Luke Skywalker’.