Which tag is used with the select tag?

Which tag is used with the select tag?

The tag in HTML is used to create a drop-down list. The tag contains tag to display the available option of drop-down list. Note: The tag is used in a form to receive user response.

What attributes can be used with the select tag in form?

HTML | form Attribute The HTML form Attribute is used to specify the one or more forms that the element belongs to. form_id: It Contains the value i.e form_id which specify the one or more than the select element belongs to. The value of this attribute should be id of the element.

How can we give ID to select tag in HTML?

You can use the id attribute to set the ID to the option tag and use this. value into the onchange callback with select element.

How do you create a select tag?

HTML tag is used to create a drop down list with multiple options. The element is nested within tag for defining options in a list….Tag-specific attributes:

Attribute Value Description
multiple multiple If it sets then a user can select multiple options from the list.

Is P an empty tag?

P: Paragraph The empty P element represents a paragraph. The exact rendering of this (indentation, leading, etc) is not defined here, and may be a function of other tags, style sheets etc. You do NOT need to use

to put white space around heading, list, address or blockquote elements.

Which tag is used for numbering list?

    : The Ordered List element. The

      HTML element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list.

    Which are the attributes of HR tag?

    HTML Tag

    Attribute Value Description
    Align left center right Used to specify the alignment of the horizontal rule.
    size pixels Used to specify the height of the horizontal rule.
    width pixels Used to specify the width of the horizontal rule.

    What is select id in HTML?

    The id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific element. The id of an element is unique within a page, so the id selector is used to select one unique element! To select an element with a specific id, write a hash (#) character, followed by the id of the element.

    Is select tag a container tag?

    Description. The select form control is a container for a series of option elements that display in the browser as a pull-down menu (that is, a drop-down list).

    Do all HTML tags have end tag?

    No, All the HTML tag Do not have end tag. Such as is an empty tag which is used to break the line it is also is an empty tag, we need not to close this tag, just use it after the line. They are self closing tag also.

    Does the tag in HTML have an ending tag?

    No, all HTML tags don’t have end tag. Example- tag is used to break the line. It doesn’t have an end tag. However most of the tags have end tags. So , if you donot know which one is not a end tag and which one is, then it is better to use end tag always.

    What are the functions of HTML tags?

    HTML tags are used for presenting and formatting text on a webpage. The tags and their respective attributes are used to create HTML documents, that can be viewed in browsers.

    What is select element?

    The element defines a list of selection items. Typically, this is used to display a menu. The items within the menu will be defined using . Using its various attributes, you can allow users to select more than one item, or disable one or more options so that they cannot be selected.