Which utility is used to execute multiple targets?

Which utility is used to execute multiple targets?

The dmake utility parses your makefiles and: Determines which targets can be built concurrently. Distributes the build of those targets over a number of hosts.

What is make target?

A ‘make target’ is basically a file that you want rebuilt. However, some makefiles do not specify any target; then you must specify one on the command line. Or, if you don’t want the default target built, then you must specify the target that you do want built. A target can also be ‘phony’, in the terms of GNU make.

What is the word for being prescribed a number of medications?

Polypharmacy is most commonly defined as the use of five or more medications daily by an individual. However, the definition of polypharmacy is still debated and can vary from two to 11 concurrent medications.

Why do I have multiple targets in make?

When make builds any one of the grouped targets, it understands that all the other targets in the group are also created as a result of the invocation of the recipe. Furthermore, if only some of the grouped targets are out of date or missing make will realize that running the recipe will update all of the targets.

When to use multi targeting for NuGet packages?

See Create UWP Packages for an example of referencing these files in the .nuspec manifest. When NuGet installs a package that has multiple assembly versions, it tries to match the framework name of the assembly with the target framework of the project.

What are the names of the targets in makefile?

The targets are file names, separated by spaces. Typically, there is only one per rule. The commands are a series of steps typically used to make the target (s). These need to start with a tab character, not spaces. The prerequisites are also file names, separated by spaces.

When to use grouped targets instead of independent targets?

If instead of independent targets you have a recipe that generates multiple files from a single invocation, you can express that relationship by declaring your rule to use grouped targets. A grouped target rule uses the separator &: (the ‘ & ’ here is used to imply “all”).