Why are normal maps blue and purple in color?

Why are normal maps blue and purple in color?

Only tangent space normal maps are primarily blue. This is because the colour blue represents a normal of (0,0,1) which would be an unchanged normal when the triangle lies in the plane x and y, i.e. perpendicular to the surface.

What do you need to know about normal maps?

What is a Normal Map? A normal map is an image that stores a direction at each pixel. These directions are called normals. The red, green, and blue channelsof the image are used to control the direction of each pixel’s normal. A normal map is commonly used to fake high-resolution details on a low-resolution model.

What do the channels in a normal map do?

A normal map is an image that stores a direction at each pixel. These directions are called normals. The red, green, and blue channels of the image are used to control the direction of each pixel’s normal.

Why do normal maps look like texture maps?

Normal maps look strange, but like any other texture map, they are just flat 2D images. Here’s a close-up shot of a 3D bird character. To the right is a close-up of the bird’s normal map. The highlights and shadows on the bird’s feathers are being created by the patterns in the normal map.

Which is better normal map or high poly?

A normal map baked from a high-poly mesh will often be better than one sampled from a texture, since you’re rendering from a highly detailed surface. The normal map pixels will be recreating the surface angles of the high-poly mesh, resulting in a very believable look.

How to bake the AO into a normal map?

To bake the AO into a normal map, adjust the levels of the AO layer first so the darks only go as low as 128 gray, then set the AO layer to Darken mode. This will shorten the normals in the normalmap, causing the surface to receive less light in the darker areas.

How is tangent space related to normal mapping?

Tangent space is a space that’s local to the surface of a triangle: the normals are relative to the local reference frame of the individual triangles. Think of it as the local space of the normal map’s vectors; they’re all defined pointing in the positive z direction regardless of the final transformed direction.

Why are the colors on the tangent basis different?

When shared edges are at different angles in UV space, different colors will show up along the seam. The tangent basis uses these colors to light the model properly. Image by Eric Chadwick. When you look at a tangent-space normal map for a character, you typically see different colors along the UV seams.

Is the tangent space always perpendicular to the surface?

By definition tangent space is perpendicular to the surface. At any point we should have the normal always pointing in the Z (blue direction) with no X (red direction) or Y (green direction).