Why do I get an error when I use the maps Static API?

Why do I get an error when I use the maps Static API?

If you use the Maps Static API without an API key, or if billing is not enabled on your account, the page displays an error image instead of a map, with a link indicating the type of error. For example “g.co/staticmaperror/key”. You are using the Maps Static API without an API key.

What to do when Google Maps stop working?

Thus, clearing data and cache of Google Maps can solve the issue. Follow the following steps to fix Google Maps stopping issue. Go to “Settings” and look for “Apps” or “Application Manager”. Choose “Maps” from the apps list and open it. Now, select “Clear Cache” and “Clear Data” and confirm the actions.

Which is the default image format for maps Static API?

By default, the Maps Static API creates PNG images. There are several possible formats including GIF, JPEG and PNG types. Which format you use depends on how you intend to present the image. JPEG typically provides greater compression, while GIF and PNG provide greater detail. For more information, see Image Formats.

How is geocoding performed in the maps Static API?

The process of turning an address into a geographic point is known as geocoding and the Maps Static API service can perform geocoding for you if you provide valid addresses. In any parameter where you may provide a latitude/longitude, you may instead specify a string indicating an address.

Can you add a Google map to a custom object?

I am a real beginner at saleforce and just cannot seem to get a google map to appear on my custom object. I cannot for the life of me figure out what I have done wrong.

Is there a way to publish articles in Salesforce?

Challenge is Salesforce doesnt allow me to imsert articles with status as “published” but allows me to insert as “Draft”. It throws some permission related error. Any solution to overcome this problem so that i can insert articles direcly with “Publish” status. see more…

What does the error message on Google Maps mean?

The following table describes the warnings that the API may issue as HTTP headers: An error occurred while attempting to geocode the request. There are many variants of this message, depending on the element where geocoding failed (center, marker, visible, or path) and the number of elements that failed.