Why does overwrite not work in New flow?

Why does overwrite not work in New flow?

When i compare the code with old to new flow then it noticed there is extra part added in new version and due to that overwrite is disabled in new flow. If you remove the runtimeConfiguration part from create file json code, overwrite will work in new flow too.

Is it safe to overwrite an existing file?

Be cautious about overwriting files with new versions reflecting new information, as in many cases this may not be what reusers want. However, files may be identified to reusers as ones where information may be updated – these files can and should be overwritten to reflect new information as necessary.

How to enable overwrite when creating a file in SharePoint?

But Microsoft removed that functionality in new version of Create File at SharePoint. I make it enable the overwrite in new flow, with some code changes. When i compare the code with old to new flow then it noticed there is extra part added in new version and due to that overwrite is disabled in new flow.

What’s the rule for overwriting an existing file?

Commons:Overwriting existing files. As a result, the basic rule is that existing files should not be overwritten with substantially different content, whilst minor improvements should overwrite the previous version (but see below for exceptions). When in doubt, or to resolve inter-user conflicts, upload as a new file.

Why do I get an error when I open a file?

Before you click Yes to open the file, you may want to consider the reasons why the file might have an incorrect file name extension. The file might have been: Renamed inadvertently If you or someone you know renamed the file by accident with an incorrect file name extension, you can safely open the file.

Why does bkeano not copy older create file?

The workaround bkeano used, to copy older Create File module, is yet another example of how broken PA is. Not to mention a PITA because of another charming feature of Power Automate: it won’t let you copy and action from your clipboard into an Apply to Each module, which I have about a dozen of here.