Why is my RepRap-Marlin temperature sensor not working?

Why is my RepRap-Marlin temperature sensor not working?

After switching back and forth from Marlin to APrinter and back, Marlin stopped woking completely. I had configured the LCD ( ReprapDiscount Smart Controller) and all the steppers were working. Right now, it does not even sends self test to Pronterface upon start/connection, or it hangs according to the log.

Where to set up thermistors in RepRap Marlin?

At around line 70 you have to set up the thermistors connected to the RAMPS for the extruder and the heatbed. Depending on your hardware configuration you have to change the last value in the defines.

Where do I find ramps in Marlin firmware?

In the actual Marlin Firmware all supported printer boards are listed within the file “boards.h”. This file contains the following entries for the RAMPS 1.4: The most common version may be the variant . In this case you have to set the value as the following lines show. Ok, it’s time to make the adjustments specific to your 3d printer.

How to solve the temperature sensor problem in 3D printing?

If you use a thermistor of the type EPCOS B57560G104F (100K, Beta = 4036), you write the value ‘1’ into the matching define. In case you have a thermistor with 100k and Beta = 3950, you have to set the value ’60’ in the corresponding define. So the defines will look e.g.: Thanks for contributing an answer to 3D Printing Stack Exchange!

What should the temperature be on a Marlin printer?

For the bed this is fairly easy since Marlin can control its temperature. For the probe we can control its proximity to the heated bed. On some printers (e.g., Prusa MK3) it may be necessary to shield the probe from active fans or it won’t heat up enough. The probe calibration table starts at 30°C, the bed at 60°C, and the extruder at 180°C.

How to calibrate the probe on a Marlin?

Probe calibration process 1 Move the probe to the cooldown point. 2 Heat up the bed to maximum temperature ( e.g., 110°C). 3 Move the probe to the probing point and lower to just 1mm above the bed. 4 Wait until the probe heats up to the target (30°C). 5 Probe the bed to get a base value.