Why is my smooth shading not working in Blender?
I can make the object active. But when I click the smooth option, nothing happens. It looks like most of the faces in the model are disconnected.
How does the auto smooth feature in Blender work?
The Auto Smooth feature helps you to set automagically, to some extent, which face is smooth and which is solid, based on the angle between two neighbour faces : if the angle is greater that the criterion set in the Angle button in the Mesh panel, then the faces are solid ; if the angle is smaller, then the faces are smooth.
Can you select which face is smooth in Blender?
We already saw that you can, in Edit mode, select which face is smooth and which face is solid.
Why are volumes defined by faces in Blender?
The pitfall with polymodeling, with Blender and all other poly modelers, is that volumes and surfaces are defined by faces instead of mathematic surfaces (which is the case of NURBS and Meta-Elements, though).
What to do about sharp edges in Blender?
Adding an edge split modifier might help. Set the split angle roundabout 15° or a similar value… This modifier splits all edges, which form a sharp boundary (which shouldn’t look smooth). Often this also solves some surrounding smooth errors which are caused by smoothed edges which are quite sharp. I found a good solution!
Which is the best way to interpolate face shading?
The second one would be to interpolate the shading within a single face according the the shading of neighbour faces. This way, each face retains its own original geometry (no subdivision means lighter meshes) but gains the illusion of a very smooth surface : only the edges of the model can betray its lack of geometry.
What to do about smooth shaded mesh in Blender?
Might want to do something about tris where the surface folds are. Since the basic forms already exist well-defined in what you have modeled, I’d suggest using it as a template to snap the faces of the new model over, and you can then control the flow to carry the smoothing deformation better. @pauljs75 Very cool video, thanks for sharing!
What do you need to know about mirror modifier?
Normally, the mirror modifier will merge vertices from one half that are close enough to the save vertices from the other half. You just have to make sure of two things: Your center line must be perfectly straight. Your center line must be close enough to the mirror pivot.