Why is MySQL update taking a long time?

Why is MySQL update taking a long time?

In my case a transaction turned the update statement (s) from a blazingly fast execution time to a extremely slow one. The more rows affected the heavier the loss of performance. My statements work with user defined variables, but don’t know if that part of the ‘problem’.

Which is faster SQL UPDATE or procedure update?

The update scenario is always faster than using a procedure. Since you are updating column X of all rows in table A, make sure you drop the index on that one first. Also make sure there are no things like triggers and constraints active on that column.

Can a SQL query take a long time?

There’s no way that query should take a long time, if id is really the primary key (unless you have lots and lots of ids equal to 2229230?). Please run the following two sqls and post the results: Sometimes your tables just need a little love, if they’ve grown rapidly and you haven’t optimized them in a while the indices may be a little crazy.

Why does the UPDATE statement take so long?

The update statement is the simplest update. But it takes way too long sometimes. It might take up to an hour. But other times is normal a second. This only happens with one particular table. There is no trigger on this table. I can’t work out what can cause this?

Can You update 10K rows in a set?

You should not be updating 10k rows in a set unless you are certain that the operation is getting Page Locks (due to multiple rows per page being part of the UPDATE operation). The issue is that Lock Escalation (from either Row or Page to Table locks) occurs at 5000 locks.

When does the MySQL server start accepting connections?

It is only at this moment when the MySQL server starts accepting connections. It is only at this point when the following lines are appended to the .err log file: mysqld-nt: ready for connections.

How to kill MySQL process in phpMyAdmin?

You could also run SHOW PROCESSLIST in the phpMyAdmin SQL tab. The resulting table shows running processes, and clicking the ‘x’ next to the row you want to kill should do the trick. This would be the same effect as the accepted answer or killing the mysql process from the mysql command line.

How can I reduce MySQL database saving time?

Using batch-inserting is one of the methods to decrease a saving time, but still not enough to handle 100k records in 5 or less seconds due to ORM internal mechanism. I suggest you to look into your MySQL DB and use its capabilities. Try to tune your DB tables engine, by default it’s set to InnoDB.

How long does it take to insert data in Spring Batch?

The data is saved properly but it takes around 3 minutes to insert all data. Is there anything I can do to improve the performance. Spring Batch is not allowed This will separate the rows/records with missing values in cell.