Why is pulse shaping used in transmission systems?

Why is pulse shaping used in transmission systems?

In electronics and telecommunications, pulse shaping is the process of changing the waveform of transmitted pulses. Its purpose is to make the transmitted signal better suited to its purpose or the communication channel, typically by limiting the effective bandwidth of the transmission.

What is the use of RRC filter?

Use of the RRC filtering (i.e., pulse shaping) is adopted in commercial communications, such as cellular technology, and used extensively. However, its use in space communication is still relatively new.

Which of the following pulse modulation is analog?

Which of the following pulse modulation systems is analog? Solution: PAM, PWM and PPM are examples of analog pulse modulation techniques while PCM is a digital pulse modulation.

Which parameter is called as Shannon limit?

3. Which parameter is called as Shannon limit? Explanation: There exists a limiting value for EB/N0 below which they can be no error free communication at any information rate. This EB/N0 is called as Shannon limit.

Is the sinc shaped pulse used for transmit filtering?

Infact, the above sinc shaped pulse satisfies the Nyquist criterion and is called Nyquist pulse (Refer Sec 5.1.1 [DIG-COMM-BARRY-LEE-MESSERSCHMITT]). It follows that with the sinc shaped pulse (also called Nyquist pulse) used for transmit filtering: (a) inter-symbol interference (ISI) is not introduced when sampled properly.

Which is the output filter of a pulse shaping filter?

Transmit pulse shaping filter – rectangular and sinc (Nyquist) is the output waveform. In this post, the objective is to understand the properties of the transmit filter i.e. to find out a filter which occupies the minimum required bandwidth while ensuring inter-symbol-interference (ISI) free transmission of the information symbol .

Why is the sinc shaped filter not perfectly bandlimited?

1. From the above spectrum plot, the sinc shaped filter does not result in perfectly bandlimited spectrum from from Hz to Hz. This is because, by theory, the sinc pulse exists from to . However, for simulations the sinc pulse is truncated for a finite duration.

What is the frequency response of a sinc shaped pulse?

The corresponding frequency response is a rectangular pulse bandlimited from Hz to Hz. The frequency response is as shown below: Infact, the above sinc shaped pulse satisfies the Nyquist criterion and is called Nyquist pulse (Refer Sec 5.1.1 [DIG-COMM-BARRY-LEE-MESSERSCHMITT]).