Why is Pygame trying to use ALSA Stack Overflow?

Why is Pygame trying to use ALSA Stack Overflow?

Fixing ALSA is not my objective, I’d like to know why is it being initialized if I have no use for audio in my code. This is the code that runs prior to the message “conectando…” (sorry if the tabulations break) So essentially I just initialize pygame.

Why is my MIDI output bad in Python?

Try setting it to 127 (maximum) to hear the sound. The other problem is that you don’t delete the midi output object at the end before quitting. This leads to the “PortMidi: `Bad pointer'” error at the end. So here is the corrected code that should work properly: thanks for your code, helped me to start with midi and python.

Is it possible to fix Alsa in Python?

Fixing ALSA is not my objective, I’d like to know why is it being initialized if I have no use for audio in my code. This is the code that runs prior to the message “conectando…”

Why do I get an error message on my Pygame?

The error message shows that your output device is a “MIDI Through Port” – which isn’t capable of making sounds on it’s own. You would have to connect it (e.g. using qjackctl or any other tool letting you connect ALSA MIDI ports) to a software synthesizer like qsynth.

How to save the settings for alsamixer settings?

When Im opening the Alsamixer with: I see that the volume for the speakers is zero. Now I push it to the max volume. But after every restart, I have to open alsamixer again and have to set the volume to max again. Can I save the settings for alsamixer or is there any other way to fix the problem ?

How does alsamixer work on a Raspberry Pi?

alsamixer on a Raspberry Pi In this utility you can move the volume up and down using the up and down cursor keys, mute and unmute using the “m” key and move from one device to another (if you have them) using the left and right cursor keys. Press the Esc key to exit.

How to change ALSA volume on Raspberry Pi?

By renaming it to start with a lowercase “k” the file is ignored and the ALSA state is not saved. As well as using amixer on the command line to change the volumes and so on, you can also use a slightly graphical utility called alsamixer. Just type alsamixer and you’ll get something like the screenshot shown below: