Why is there a gap between my paragraphs?

Why is there a gap between my paragraphs?

This behavior is part of Word’s styling. When you press Enter to create a new paragraph, Word increases the line spacing to mark the change from one paragraph to another. You can’t change the spacing between paragraphs using Backspace—the key you might press first, just from habit.

Why is there extra space at the bottom of the page?

The Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box. This is where you set your bottom margin for the page. If the Bottom setting is 1 inch, then Word makes sure that nothing in the body of your text extends into the one-inch of space at the bottom of the printed page. Now display the Layout tab of the dialog box.

How do I get rid of weird spaces in Word?

Remove double line spacing

  1. Select the paragraph you want to change, or press Ctrl+A to select all text.
  2. Go to Home > Line and Paragraph Spacing.
  3. Select the line spacing you want.
  4. For more exact spacing, select Line Spacing Options, and make changes under Spacing.

How do I get rid of spaces in my footer?

Re: I NEED TO COMPLETELY GET RID OF THE SPACE ALLOCATED TO HEADERS AND FOOTERS. On the Page Layout tab of the ribbon, in the Page Setup group, click Margins > Custom Margins… Set Top, Header, Bottom and Footer to 0, then click OK.

How do I remove space between content and footer?

Removing the space between your content and your footer

  1. Click the first element on the page (i.e. a Section or Image)
  2. Look for the Margins setting in the Settings section of the right sidebar.
  3. Disable the “linked axis” option.
  4. Set a negative margin on the bottom (i.e. -50px)

Is there such a thing as the gap theory?

The gap theory, which is distinct from theistic evolution and the day-age theory, is also called old-earth creationism, gap creationism, and the ruin-reconstruction theory. In young-earth creationism, Genesis 1:1 is seen as a summary of the complete chapter 1 in the Hebrew storytelling form. God created the heavens and the earth.

Why is there a gap in your employment history?

It is the question “Why is there a gap in your employment history?” The gap is from 2012 to 2014. I was taking care of my parents. They were still in their home at that time but my dad was not doing well. My parents went into assisted living in 2015. They have both passed on since then.

What is the purpose of a gap analysis?

A gap analysis is the process of identifying where your team is versus where it wants to be. In other words, your current state versus your future or target state. This gap can be evaluated from a quantitative or qualitative perspective. Wondering how to get started?

When did Satan fall according to the gap theory?

Young-earth creationists say that Satan fell sometime after Genesis 1:31. Gap creationists say that Satan fell between Genesis 1:1 and 2. One difficulty of the gap theory is that it requires that creation suffer death and destruction before Adam’s fall.