Why not use tabs instead of spaces?

Why not use tabs instead of spaces?

The analysis performed by the team at Stack Overflow found that programmers who use spaces instead of tabs are making more money. David Robinson, the data scientist who performed this study found that programmers using space over tabs made an average of 9 percent more each year than their tab using counterparts.

How many spaces does the tab key give?

HTML. Notice that the tab at the start of a line is removed outside , the eight-character spacing, and how a tab stop is skipped if there are more than eight characters since last one.

How do you change all spaces in tabs?

Replacing Multiple Spaces with Tabs

  1. Press Ctrl+H.
  2. Click on the More button if it is available.
  3. In the Find What box, enter a single space followed by the characters {2,}.
  4. In the Replace With box, type ^t.
  5. Make sure the Use Wildcards check box is selected.
  6. Click on Replace All.

Can you replace multiple spaces with a tab character?

Your job is to replace all of those spaces with single TAB characters. With data spanning hundreds of rows (what about THOUSANDS of rows), you are now facing a long and arduous task. FIND and REPLACE to the rescue!!!

How to replace tabs with spaces in atom?

A simple solution I found after some research is using the “Replace All” tool. Just open each file, and then open the Find Panel ( cmd F in Mac). If you want to replace the proper tabs, you need to specify the length, otherwise it will also match single spaces between words.

How do you replace spaces in Microsoft Word?

On the HOME tab on the Ribbon, choose Replace from the Editing group (or press [Ctrl]+H) to open the Find And Replace dialog box In the Find What field, enter one space character and the following characters, exactly as shown in red: {2,} In the Replace With field, enter ^t Click the More button

How to convert all tabs to spaces in Excel?

Try again with “Convert All Tabs to Spaces”: This happens because in the first case, groups of tabs on the left margin are, as a collection, reduced to a space-based indent. Since the regex is ^ +, it doesn’t matter if the line is indented with 1, 2, 8, 24 tabs… they are all replaced with a single indent level, but made of spaces.