Why we use pull-up resistor in microcontroller?

Why we use pull-up resistor in microcontroller?

What Are Pull-up Resistors? Pull-up resistors are resistors used in logic circuits to ensure a well-defined logical level at a pin under all conditions. It is neither in a high or low logic state, and the microcontroller might unpredictably interpret the input value as either a logical high or logical low.

Why do we use pull up and pull-down resistor configuration with microcontroller chip?

A pull-up resistor allow controlled current flow from supply voltage source to the digital input pins, where the pull-down resistors could effectively control current flow from digital pins to the ground. At the same time both resistors, pull-down and pull-up resistors hold the digital state either Low or High.

Why are pull-down resistors required?

The pull-down resistor holds the logic signal near to zero volts (0V) when no other active device is connected. It pulls the input voltage down to the ground to prevent an undefined state at the input. Unlike the pull-up resistor, the pull-down resistor pulls the pin to a low value instead of high value.

When to Use Pull-Up Vs pull-down resistor?

A pull-up resistor connects unused input pins (AND and NAND gates) to the dc supply voltage, (Vcc) to keep the given input HIGH. A pull-down resistor connects unused input pins (OR and NOR gates) to ground, (0V) to keep the given input LOW.

What is the purpose of a pull up resistor in a microcontroller?

In a chapter on I/O ports I’ve stumbled accross a concept that I have trouble understanding: the pull-up resistor. There is a pull-up resistor for each of the AVR pins. If we put s into bits of the PORTx register, the pull-up resistors are activated.

What are the disadvantages of using internal pull up resistors?

Disadvantage is that you can forget to enable it from software, that can cause a little headache. The external pull-ups will always be there. So do not forget to enable the internal ones and save a lot of PCB area by reducing component number.

What are the pull up and pull down resistors on the STM32?

The external pull-ups will always be there. So do not forget to enable the internal ones and save a lot of PCB area by reducing component number. The STM32’s internal pull-up and pull-down resistors usually have a value between 30 k Ω and 50 k Ω.

How does a pull up resistor on an AVR work?

There is a pull-up resistor for each of the AVR pins. If we put s into bits of the PORTx register, the pull-up resistors are activated. In cases in which nothing is connected to the pin or the connected devices have high impedance, the resistor pulls up the pin.