Why WhatsApp call disconnect automatically?

Why WhatsApp call disconnect automatically?

Your current network might not be properly configured for UDP (User Datagram Protocol) which may prevent WhatsApp Calling from functioning properly. Your battery saver and bluetooth connection may also cause issues with WhatsApp calls.

Do WhatsApp calls go through Wi-Fi?

Voice calling lets you call your contacts using WhatsApp for free, even if they’re in another country. Voice calling uses your phone’s internet connection rather than your mobile plan’s minutes. Data charges may apply.

Do you get disconnected from a WhatsApp call if a normal call comes in?

Call waiting feature on WhatsApp will be activated by default from version 2.19. 352 for Android users. If you press the ‘End and Accept’ button, the ongoing call will be disconnected, and you can talk to the other person. In regular voice calls, you can put the call on hold while accepting a new call.

How can I call internationally for free?

How to Make Free International Calls

  1. Skype. Skype is a free app for Android, Apple, and Windows devices.
  2. WhatsApp. Another commonly used app is the Facebook-owned WhatsApp.
  3. FaceTime. If you’re connecting to another Apple user, you can use the built-in FaceTime app.
  4. Viber.
  5. Rebtel.
  6. IMO.
  7. PopTox.
  8. LINE.

Is there a way to avoid disconnection from WhatsApp?

If you want it similar to how it is when you get a call when your on a normal call and the other call stays on waiting. That might not be possible as of now, it would need modifications to the app. But one way of avoiding disconnection is to put your phone on airplane mode and switch on your WiFi and then make your whatsapp call.

Why does my WhatsApp keep reconnecting to my phone?

After upgrading to the latest iOS, you may encounter many issues, one of the regular issues is that Whatsapp call continues reconnecting and afterward end. When you call or receive calls on WhatsApp, the calls may show reconnecting and afterward end.

Why does WhatsApp keep dropping on WiFi?

We have discovered that if you have turned on WhatsApp notifications the WhatsApp calls will continue dropping on Wi-Fi connection. You ought to take into account the new notification of iOS 14 which is “Whatsapp” Would get a kick out of the chance to Send You Notifications.

Can You disconnect a WhatsApp call in India?

Lower bandwidth disconnects the call. VoIP is not successful in India so far either its Whatsapp call or Facetime.