Why you should not use Vim?

Why you should not use Vim?

Vim is a complex program that lives in a bubble of its own. Its, shall we say, many peculiarities make it impossible to pick it up like one would pick up Atom or Sublime Text. Unlike those editors, Vim requires serious learning and unlearning before even being able to perform the slightest edit.

What can you use Vim for?

Vim is just a text editor. That’s it. If you’re used to using Notepad (Windows), Sublime Text (Windows / Mac), Atom (Windows / Mac), Nano (Linux), or any text editor, Vim is just another program that allows you to write and edit text.

Is Vim better than Vscode?

“Comes by default in most unix systems (remote editing)”, “Fast” and “Highly configurable” are the key factors why developers consider Vim; whereas “Powerful multilanguage IDE”, “Fast” and “Front-end develop out of the box” are the primary reasons why Visual Studio Code is favored.

What is your most productive shortcut with Vim?

What is your most productive shortcut with Vim?

  • Using alternatively left and right hands is the fastest way to use the keyboard.
  • Never touching the mouse is the second way to be as fast as possible.

Is using Vim worth it?

Definitely yes. If you are a power user, who edits text-files regularly, and you want syntax-highlighting on many different scripting languages/log file types, probably working in the console on a linux machine, vim is a must!

How do I make my vim productive?

Vim is a text editor that can greatly increase your productivity when you are coding. Typing speed is irrelevant up to a certain level. Your ability to navigate through code is much more important. This is wear Vim along with its keybindings, layout and set up can help you speed up the process.

Should you put vim on a resume?

I wouldn’t put it on a resume, but it definitely came up as one of the softball questions in my interview for $current_job. There’s a good mix of emacs and vi used where I work and while it doesn’t matter which you use, using one of those (as opposed to nano or notepad) makes a difference.

Should I use vi or vim?

Vi is the standard text editor. It is the classic and most popular text editor in the Linux family that comes built-in in the most Linux distributions. Vim is a vi-like editor but is more advanced and powerful than the original Vi.